Breaking! Fantastic Four MCU Team Cast Revealed?!

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The Fantastic Four rumors and reports from insiders have been going crazy the past few months and we've heard a lot about different castings for different characters we've heard everything down from Jody Comer to play The Invisible Woman to Margot Robbie playing The Invisible Woman we've also heard some rumors about the Human Torch and some about the thing not as much as Sue storm or Reed Richards and it does seem like Adam Driver truly is locked down to play Mr. Fantastic a choice that some people are kind of on the fence about but I for one think that it could actually be really really good I think Adam Driver has a lot of skill when it comes to acting

I think he's a very great actor he's got a lot of range and a lot of depth and I know a lot of people just see him as Kylo Ren of course I see him as Kylo Ren as well but he's done a lot of other really great projects and I say all this because the casting that we're about to announce still has Adam Driver playing Mr Fantastic I'm pretty sure he is officially our Mr Fantastic that's what we've heard and we haven't heard anything to counter that yet in a couple of months so that is pretty much all but confirmed Adam Driver is going to be playing Mr Fantastic now

who is the rest of the team going to be played by well today the very credible Insider account my time to shine hello tweeted four different pictures of four different Fantastic Four actors who have been rumored to be up for the roles with the hashtag fantastic board hinting that this is indeed our official team and yes Adam Driver is on there now the Human Torch casting is interesting it's Paul Mezcal and it is interesting because we did actually hear that he did meet with Marvel Studios now this was after all of the rumors about him playing the Human Torch came out the rumors and reports came out that he could possibly be the Human Torch is Johnny Storm the brother of Sue storm

The Invisible Woman and then after all of these reports came out it was revealed that yes indeed Paul did meet with Marvel Studios however what was really interesting is the rumor going around was that he did meet about the role but turned it down however the reason that some people said that he had turned down this role was that he had been cast for different roles he's actually in a lot coming up including the new Gladiator sequel that they're making however a lot of what he is about to be in is coming out in 2023 or is seemingly going to be going into production and filming in 2023 and if that is the case then he can definitely still play the Human Torch because this movie is not coming out till 2025 which means they'll start filming in 2024 and besides I'd also just like to add this that if you get an offer to play the Human Torch of the Fantastic Four in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

that is definitely going to be one of the biggest offers that you'll ever get in your entire life that's an insanely huge offer that's an insanely huge compliment to even get that offer from Marvel Studios that's a life-changing role and don't get me wrong he's had plenty of great roles and he's been offered and accepted plenty of great roles that are coming again like his role in the upcoming Gladiator sequel but we all know that a huge role in the MCU can just completely change your life and your career forever look at Robert Downey Jr he did a complete 180 on his life Marvel took a chance on him they saw back then what everybody sees now in him so I mean it would be really hard to deny Marvel Studios role although don't get me wrong actors definitely do it speaking of that we recently heard that Marvel Studios actually offers

the role of The Invisible Woman to Emma Stone and she turned it down apparently Emma Stone wanted more money than they were willing to give her at least that's what's been rumored obviously Marvel Studios doesn't come out and simply release statements about why certain actors didn't accept certain roles when the movie hasn't even come out yet but, interestingly, they did offer Emma Stone the role of Sue storm I don't picture her playing Sue storm in my head and don't get me wrong of course you can dye your hair blonde and look the part but I just don't see personality wise her interacting with Adam Driver they're both incredibly talented actors but I'm not sure how well they would sing together however who I can definitely see with Adam Driver is Margot Robbie who apparently is indeed going to be playing our Sue storm AKA

The Invisible Woman now this has been reported on by many different insiders everybody kind of heard it all at once over the past couple of months and everybody pretty much said the same thing Margot Robbie is one of the top contenders for Marvel Studios to play Sue storm now, of course, there was this big kind of debate on whether or not she would accept the role because of course she plays the iconic Harley Quinn in the DC Universe so a lot of people were stating well she's not going to take the role because she's going to continue to play Harley Quinn however with the basic reset of the DC Universe we don't really know what's going to happen with her character Harley Quinn although James Gunn did say that he is of course still open to work with her and he has expressed

how much that he does really care about Margot Robbie and the character and I for one think it's fine for her to play two different characters in two different franchises I actually think that's a testament to how talented she actually is to play two huge main characters and two really huge iconic franchises and I for one think that she has the perfect look for Sue storm I think that this is actually an incredible casting choice and of course, something that is also extremely important is I think that she and Adam Driver are going to have really good chemistry together I think they are both extremely talented actors and I also do think that they kind of look pretty great together as well so as far as the MCU selling us on and convincing us

that Margo Robbie Sue Storm and Adam Drivers Reed Richards are in love with each other and they're married and they have kids I don't think that's a hard sell at all, in fact, I think a lot of people are going to really enjoy watching the two of them together on screen but hey let me know your personal thoughts about this down below and we'll talk about the team chemistry in just a bit but of course, we have to talk about the thing and it does look like David Diggs is going to be Ben Grimm aka the thing now this was actually the last casting rumor report that I believe we talked about the iconic Hamilton actor up for the role of the thing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

he is Jewish and we've heard that Marvel Studios does want a Jewish actor to play Ben Grimm since Ben Grimm is Jewish in the comics so he checks the role for that he is also an incredibly talented actor and he's done a lot more than just Hamilton I recommend checking out blind spotting or snow piercer the series or The Little Mermaid he is in the recent Little Mermaid and of course that is a Disney film so he's already working with Disney they already knew they enjoyed working with him that he is an incredible talent so it makes sense that Marvel Studios would want to grab him for Ben Grim the thing and again


I have to State this because every time I see comments talking about somebody's stature and size for the role of the thing guys they're just gonna do mocap or they're going to give him some sort of prosthetic suit we know this by now Mark Ruffalo is not the size of the Hulk it's all mocap at this point however I am actually a big fan of true prosthetic suits that look extremely real but we'll see what they do so as far as we're concerned right now this is our cast for The Fantastic Four Adam Driver as Reed Richards aka Mr. Fantastic Margot Robbie a sue storm AKA The Invisible Woman Paul musical as the Human Torch or Johnny Storm the younger brother of Sue storm and David Diggs as Ben Grim aka the thing and I can see this

I can see this casting work for a few reasons one I already mentioned I think Adam Driver and Margot Robbie will have great chemistry together but at the same time I think Adam Driver and David Diggs will have great chemistry together as well which you need them are best friends they meet in college they hit it off and their best friends till the end pretty much their family the Fantastic Four family I think Margot Robbie will act extremely well with David Diggs as well and I know Paul Muskel is a really talented actor but he's the only one that I am really curious to see how he meshes with everybody else I'm definitely convinced that he can play the younger brother of Margot Robbie and he definitely has the potential to be Johnny Storm

the Charming and kind of cocky and arrogant sometimes Human Torch he'll definitely have some pretty huge shoes to fill because of course everybody is going to compare him to Chris Evans's Human Torch sorry that we're skipping a generation of human torches there but I think everybody understands Chris Evans is Human Torch is the iconic Human Torch that everybody thinks of when they hear that so I think this cast as it is right now will actually be pretty good I think this is a pretty decent choice I want to say it's a great choice but of course, we need to see them all dressed up we need to see them all interacting with each other

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