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Marvel New Avenger's, Secret Wars & Phase 5 Major Updates'

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The world of Marvel Studios but in movies and shows in general as The Writer's Guild of America has gone on strike so therefore right now scripts aren't really being written and of course, this is going to go on to affect the production of a lot of movies and shows that are going on right now not just with Marvel Studios of course but in the entire movie and TV industry just in general and a quick interesting note about this according to Insider Daniel the reason that they haven't really come to a deal yet is because of Netflix apparently Netflix did not want to agree to some terms

that's why the strike is still going on according to Daniel back as if Netflix wasn't already kind of causing enough problems with their new rules about households and sharings and everything we go and hear this as well but hopefully, things get resolved soon, however, some of Marvel Studios as projects that are in production right now are on hold however there is some good news some are still going and it looks like we have finally found out when we are going to be getting our new Avengers team we haven't really heard much about

the new Avengers team who's gonna be on it when they're going to start to come together but the project that they're supposed to come in together on is still in production right now that has not been delayed so that is good news and also we have some big news about the directors or Secret Wars right now Avengers Secret Wars does not have a director attached to it but there are a few names thrown out there who could possibly direct and there is one director in particular that fans are really pushing for and have been pushing for and now

the director himself is pushing for him to direct the film he wants to do it and he directed a very successful Marvel movie so as you see a lot to dive into today I said unfortunately and we'll start with bad news and go into the good news unfortunately some projects have been delayed from Marvel Studios and just marvel in general for example the Marvel Spider-Man series

that are going to Amazon Spider-Man Noir and silk spider Society Unfortunately they are kind of shut down right now until they reach a deal so those two projects right now are currently just paused they're not being worked on there is no progression right now they're kind of just playing the waiting game and the same thing goes for a Marvel Studios project unfortunately which is the Thunderbolts but it's actually not that bad it's not as bad as it seems because the Thunderbolts movie is going to be coming after Captain America new world order or Captain America four there's been a rumor that it's no longer being called New World Order

But we haven't heard anything official yet but the good news is Captain America 4 comes out before the Thunderbolts and Captain America 4 luckily is not delayed right now production is still currently going on in fact over the last couple of months Captain America and his new Captain America suit and we've actually seen pictures of the new Falcon Sam's old buddy Taurus who is going to be played by Danny Ramirez who we saw in the Falcon and the Winter Soldier so Sam Wilson is officially going to be Captain America and have his own Falcon

which is great because Falcon has always been somebody extremely close to Captain America but here's where this gets really cool Captain America 4 is supposed to bring together a lot of different worlds in fact it's supposed to be the start of the new Avengers roster now what's interesting is that the Thunderbolts is essentially going to do the same after Captain America 4. they're going to bring a lot of different worlds together however the roster is for a very different team but the variety has recently reported that the Thunderbolts is held but they do also report how all of these worlds are going to start to collide stating on their website the movie was scheduled to begin shooting in Atlanta next month and plans to resume production

the strike is resolved part of Marvel's Phase 5 Thunderbolts is set to bring together the worlds of Ant-Man and the WASP the Falcon and the Winter Soldier Black Widow and the upcoming Captain America installment New World Order and that is essentially what is going to be happening for the new Avengers team as well in Captain America 4. the Thunderbolts will bring together the Thunderbolt so when it talks about bringing together Ant-Man and the WASP with Falcon and the Winter Soldier they're talking about bringing together

the character ghost with us agent John Walker and when they talk about Black Widow coming into play they're talking about of course Yolanda Bulova and Taskmaster but when we flip that and talk about the new Avengers team which is going to assemble in Captain America 4 before the Thunderbolts we're talking about Ant-Man, of course, Captain America and one of the biggest care characters that have been rumored to be appearing in Captain America 4 is the Hulk, in fact, many insiders have said that we're going to possibly see several hulks in Captain America 4 and of course

we're all thinking right now of Red Hulk so the Hulk returning hopefully Spider-Man Doctor Strange I'm sure is going to stop by somewhere and of course we can't forget about war machine he's going to be up to a lot but just like the Thunderbolts is going to bring together all of these worlds Captain America 4 is going to be the start of the new Avengers team where we get a glimpse on how they're all going to be interacting with each other so luckily right now Captain America 4 is still on track it's still in production now Marvel Studios is known to do rewrites in the middle of production

that happens we might hit a snag but for right now everything is okay and luckily Marvel really kind of has to deal with Captain America 4 first before they dive into the Thunderbolt so right now Thunderbolts being on hold is kind of okay not too much delay should really happen there but speak of the new Avengers diving into Avengers Secret Wars like I mentioned it seems like there are a few director names out there right now who could possibly get the job at directing one of if not maybe the biggest Marvel Studios movie of all time now the first one we'll talk about is director Destin Daniel if you are not familiar with him he directed Shang Chi and the legend of the 10 Rings like I mentioned this director directed a film

that many people love from Marvel and Phase 4 nonetheless which was not received that well but Shang Chi was Chongqing is one of the top five favorite Marvel movies which really is hard to say because that list does change from time to time but according to Insider Jeff Snyder on the John Roca podcast today he said that director Destin Daniel wants to direct Secret Wars he also threw out some other names of who are possible candidates to direct the movie and one name he threw out that I really really love is Jon Favreau who of course started the MCU with the very first Iron Man film he's also been a very integral part of the m SEO and Star Wars franchise as well Marvel loves him Star Wars loves him Disney loves him

he is the future of both Marvel and Star Wars but unfortunately, even though he is a great Contender to direct Avenger Secret Wars it sounds like from what Jeff Snyder said he's pretty locked up by Kathleen Kennedy in Star Wars he's got a lot of Star Wars stuff to do I gotta say though he would probably be my choice to direct this movie he's been with the MCU since Iron Man he's been a big part of it growing and expanding he's definitely got the vision I would definitely love for him to direct this film but one last name a Jeff Snyder throughout today was Sam Raimi

who is possibly the biggest director that Marvel Studios has worked with now I know some people right away would say well Multiverse Madness was not that good but let's be honest that movie was kind of a mess production-wise they had a writer Scott Derrickson he wrote an entire script they parted ways with him then they brought in Michael Waldron and Sam Remy they had to make a lot of changes they had to rewrite essentially almost the entire script and it's just not a great environment to go into when Marvel has already decided on kind of a base for the movie and some key points

you have to use it but then come in and make it your own Elizabeth Olsen actually recently expressed frustration in all of the script rewrites so that really wasn't on Sam Raimi however I can say that Michael Waldron who wrote Multiverse of Madness and who wrote Loki season 1 is writing Secret Wars so if Remy came back that would be the exact same team from Multiverse of Madness it would be the same writer and director but them getting their own project from scratch writing it the way they want with of course supervision from Kevin Feige

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