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TED LASSO Season 3 Episode 12 Ending Explained

Ted Lasso season 3 episode 12 ending explained just to let you know this post will contain spoilers the episode's final scene closing off with the song Father and Son by Cat Stevens was the perfect track to have underneath it Ted was always about going home and the conflict in his mind from the moment that he waved goodbye to Henry on the plane way back in episode 1 and now

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he could be the father to his son that he yearned to be and wasn't afraid to be any more there being one final game of the season we saw that AFC Richmond was facing West Ham and they had to get a result and hope that City would lose in order for them to pick up the Premier League title something which was originally so far Out Of Reach with the Game ending at 3-2 with a lively 94th-minute winner by the Richmond boys we were left wondering if they ended up winning the overall title however once Ted was at the airport it was confirmed by a fan of Ted's that they came second something

which was gutting to hear however it tied into a couple of different hints that we had throughout the show the soundtrack for the trailer for the season was You Can't always get what you want and the song in the closing moments of the previous episode was a track that contained the lyrics it's better to have fought and lost than never thought at all so they were almost destined to not win the trophy however the show was about more than winning it was about togetherness a journey and most importantly believing in each other and oneself something which we did see the team have right at the end with them all having a piece of the sign being kept close to them it showed what Ted had put in their minds and showed the value of what it all meant let's jump into the endings for each of the characters

Episode 12 about Ted

Ted had made the decision to go home and no matter how hard anybody tried to persuade him he wasn't going to change his mind he was most definitely the least emotional when compared to everybody else and I felt like that was a nice touch throughout this season we saw Ted inside of his head and being quite emotional on many different occasions but this time round he wasn't he was sad but it wasn't like how we saw him when he thought of being back home or with Henry which showed us that he knew that he was making the right decision and he didn't doubt it at all no matter how much it was impacting the people around him there was a lovely scene of both Ted and Rebecca sitting in the ground

where she was trying to persuade him and he barely uttered a word which showed just how confident he was in the decision there was also a moment between Ted and Nate when Nate apologized for what he did at the end of season two and for the barrier that was between them a moment which was all season in the making and despite not being the most articulate apology the emotion between the both of them was enough to show just how real it felt and the sincerity behind it after coming second in the league after the final game we saw that Ted got on his flight back to the States and it looked like he was coaching his son's football team as he spoke to Henry

he gave the advice that he first gave to Sam Obisanya in season 1 episode 2 where he said to be a goldfish essentially meaning to not look back and fester on your mistakes but instead with the 10-second memory that a goldfish has just adopted that and move on allowing you to live in the present and progress the final time that we sorted we saw him looking off into the distance and then he broke the fourth wall by looking directly down the lens of the camera he smiled slightly and it was a look to us to almost imply that he can't believe that he's back home with his son and living the life that he was it was Ted's end game

it was the perfect end to Ted Lasso and the character's Arc it is such a shame that the show will be no more but Ted's Journey throughout this season of understanding what he wanted in life and owning the decision to be with his son and breaking down the barrier that he had with him that he puts up due to fearing that he would one day lose him like he lost his father was incredibly emotional to witness Ted may not have been the best coach in the world but one lane that he said really summed up his time as head coach he arrived not knowing anything about soccer but he now knows at least one thing about football with Ted receiving the snow globe from Keeley and as we heard with one only being purchased from a place that you go to and don't go back it symbolized

the end for Ted's enrichment for good rather than just a short goodbye we saw that the book that Trent wrote was originally called the lasso way but the title was changed to The Richmond Way it said it was never about me showed just how selfless the character was and that he always thought of the team as the family that he had and that they deserved the credit that they had all earned Ted Nasso you will be missed and the powerful episodes that we got every week that allowed this comedy to feel real and provide more tears than laughter is something that will last long in the history books of great shows in its field

Episode 12 About Rebecca

Rebecca really didn't want Ted to go what started as a higher to annoy Rupert turned into a true friendship and a person that she grew a deep connection with so much so that she was considering selling the entirety of the club if he were to leave for a whopping 2 billion pounds she felt like Ted represented more than just a manager for the club Ted was the club and everything that the club had become was because of him and the love care passion and personality that he puts into it hence why she felt as though she wanted to leave however we ultimately saw that

she decided to stay Rebecca had wholly moved on from Rupert and wasn't about letting him impact her mind anymore or wanting to get one up on him she didn't care about the gossip or even the Scandal that was surrounding him as he was being investigated for inappropriate behavior in the workplace right at the end of the episode we saw that she was at the airport alongside Ted and she thanked him for everything that he had done while he had been there and for being the person that she could turn unto in her time of need that would never judge only offer advice and be the shoulder that she needed to rest her head on it was far different from how it was when they first met with it feeling like

the final sign of Rebecca being a mother was unresolved a young girl fell over in front of her and as she looked up it was the mystery man from Amsterdam he was a pilot that was standing there showing that they were truly meant to be together and that was the meaning of the final sign as we saw later on down the line they were together there were images in his boat relating to Flying so there were even signs for us with Rebecca selling 49 of the shares to the fans it showed what the club was truly about and what it represented it was the perfect way for her Rock to end no longer looking to seek revenge on Rupert and fully adopting the happiness that she felt that she deserved

Episode 12 About Roy

Roy is the new AFC Richmond manager and I think he thoroughly deserved it this was revealed right at the end of the episode once Ted theft Roy wanted so desperately to be with Keely and it was something that we never actually saw being resolved but I feel like that was the perfect way for it to be because it's almost like what life is like you know that they're out there and they're going to be still working through that we saw Roy and Jamie's friendship is tested as they both wanted to be with Keely but after confronting her and asking who she'd rather be with they realized that what they did was stupid Roy wanted to be this perfect person that was Far different to who he was before but it was something that was never going to happen and was perfectly put by Leslie when he said human beings are never going to be perfect

the best we can do is keep asking for help and accepting it when we can and if we keep on doing that we'll always be moving towards better something which we saw Roy doing at the end when we saw that he was seeking professional help from Dr. Sharon he asked for help and it looks as though it's something that's going to be addressed throughout the rest of his life there were moments of true emotion from Roy in this final episode which I thought were great plus we saw that he finally became a diamond dog

Episode 12 About Nate

Nate's story was one that I felt a little underwhelmed with in terms of his career path but I suppose it's the one that he deserved due to the way that he acted he was never going to walk back in and take the top job but I just thought with him being a manager of West Ham and having great tactical knowledge he'd be higher up than assistant Kidman Nate's Redemption was completed in this episode where we saw him being back at AFC Richmond and apologizing to Ted when he was looking up at where the belief sign once was with both Ted and Nate looking across at each other from both ends of the table as the team were piecing together

the sign and Nate having tears in his eyes showed how much it meant between the both of them and that it was almost like The Mending of their relationship the sign which Nate once tore up because he was annoyed with Ted became the symbol of their friendship and it was now being put back together Nate's Redemption showed that he wasn't the True Villain of the Season it was Ted's thoughts and the troubles that he had to overcome we last Saw Nate in the restaurant with Jade and enjoying being with his family showing that the troubles that he had gone through at home were no more with Nate's tactic also being used in the free kick that ultimately one lay of sea Richmond the game there was an ounce of contribution

Other Callouts

the other characters and the way that they rounded off Coachbid ended up getting off the plane and marrying Jane which was nice to see Colin was public with Michael Keeley hit her thriving business albeit looking as though it was on a smaller scale but she seemed to be happier with Rebecca in charge she also put forward a women's AFC Richmond team idea so it looked as though the club was expanding and branching out could we potentially see a spin-off there Sam was finally called up to the Nigerian national team and Jaime had picked up contact with his father as he was in the rehabilitation center with him let's also not forget longtime fans got to buy shares in the club so may and the regulars each had their certificate providing Happy Endings all-around other

than Rupert who had seen God what he deserved, there were a couple of funny new Snippets in the magazine and newspaper right at the end which I thought was a nice touch Zava was going back to play football and he was playing for Lafc Shandy had launched the dating app that she said that she would and there was also a headline that said Jack Danvers is no longer daddy's little girl so I wonder if that means that she was onto better things or if her father had cut her off

Overall review

I thought this final episode was great it was perfect it was the best way for us to Bid Farewell to a character that we've come to love over the years it was emotionally exciting and heartbreaking yet also joyous to watch Ted finally got what he wanted and what he needed he was back with his son and everything that the show stood for was fully present in this extended episode Jason Sudeikis and Hannah wadingham stole this episode they were phenomenal and we got Roy's performances from them that I feel we've ever had this was what Ted Nasso the show was all about and it was a pleasure to watch I'm gutted that

the show is finished because it's definitely cemented its place as one of the best is what it does whether that be in becoming a cult classic in years to come or being fondly remembered by all I believe we all believed and I think the Richmond way is something that many of us could take and adopt into our own lives so long farewell Ted lasso so there you have it said lasso season 3 episode 12 ending explained

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