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why Romans pre-grief ended
this same thing happen on the most recent occasion with him confidently rehearsing his commendation still between occasion 4 and occasion 9 there were brief moments where we saw that Roman was in fact not okay and that he was bottling up all of his feelings commodity which made us feel like there was surely going to be some kind of implosion or an eruption that would be taking place with the character for illustration in occasion 5 when Matson spoke incorrectly about Logan Roman could not keep his passions inside of him presently and he went each in on Matson in the effects that he said to him letting his feelings get the better of him also in occasion 6 we saw that when Joy offered her sympathy to Roman following the death of his father he refused it and said that he'd all of the condolences that he demanded Joy actually said in occasion 6 what happed in occasion 9.
she said to Roman that it just hasn't hit him yet but it will and it takes time something which we saw happen to Roman in front of everybody well and truly hid him in episode 8 we saw that the running man was leading the way in siding with Menkin and in his eyes contributing to the decision on who the president was going to be so he was keeping himself distracted everything since Logan's death had been a distraction unless it was directly mentioned to him which was then when we would go on to see him say that he had pre-grieved that he didn't need condolences or he would kick off with there being nowhere to hide anymore in front of all of those people gazing their eyes upon him and him coming to terms with the fact that his father was no more especially just after saying to Frank that he wasn't his son realizing that he's no longer his father's son as
he's not there the harsh reality of death hit him and he broke down in front of everybody showing just how to present the grief was in his life and his pre-grief never truly existed Roman broke down and in his eyes, the pre-grief ended because his true grief had begun the depressingly sad realization that he'd never see his father again and the idea that he can't unsay things that he said or repair any Broken Bridges this moment had to happen and his grief ended because there was no longer the space or place for Roman to avoid it
why was it so powerful?
this was most definitely one of the most powerful moments in the entirety of the episode and it was for a couple of different reasons one reason was that we had a transition and stark contrast in the character we started with Roman exuberating confidence and calmness but it quickly changed to Roman breaking down in front of everybody and needing to be comforted by his siblings the siblings who previously looked in a worse state than what he was shiv's reaction was something that I thought also made this moment so powerful and contributed to the emotion that was being transferred across the screen she was holding it in and keeping it together for her brother Roman was almost rendered to the state of a child in hysterics questioning if his father was inside of the coffin and asking if they should get him out he was almost Delirious over what was happening and he couldn't understand what was going on it was heartbreakingly sad to witness
this was the climax of every interaction that Roman had with other characters when it came to discussing his father and his pre-grief and it almost showed us that Roman was showing strength in a different sense before feeling as though he needed to keep it bottled up for the sake of every somebody else and the smooth running of the company it was a powerful moment and was definitely the most emotional moment in the entirety of the episode it showed us a softness to the character and also further supported the idea that he's the most human out of all of the siblings
why is it important to the season finale
well Roman breaking down in front of everybody at the church was something that is now quite literally taken the battle for Waystar and the Gojo deal to the end of the line and we're not going to see any kind of resolution until the season finale originally with Roman helping menkin by showing the network support of him during the election it was planned that Menkin would block the Gojo deal from going through which would mean that Kendall and Roman would stay at the top of the company however with him breaking down it made menkin look at him differently menkin viewed the breakdown as some kind of weakness something which he didn't want to be linked to supporting Kendall even felt the same as in the closing moments he basically said to Roman that he messed it up for them by breaking down this essentially enabled Shivan Madsen to go to Menken and share
their plan on appointing an American CEO as head of the company if he enabled the deal to go through if Roman didn't collapse when on stage then the season finale would be us most likely seeing the dill getting blocked but instead it now means that it's most likely going to get dirty between the family and what can only be defined as some kind of Civil War being acted out for one of them to come out on top Kendall even looked as though he was breaking away from Roman due to what he said to Hugo so Roman could quite literally go from being on top of the world to right at the bottom and on his own in the space of two episodes all for grieving his father something he avoided doing it's a tough harsh world that they live in but it's definitely made the season finale have way more at stake if Roman didn't break down then none of this would be happening so it was extremely important for it to happen at the exact moment
that it did I'm extremely excited to see what's going to happen in the season finale for this show I'm hoping it's going to be able to provide an ending that we all deserve and also the show deserves and I feel that it will it's not let us down yet who do I think will come out on top I still don't know it's so difficult to gauge who's going to win Supreme out of the siblings the possibility of them all failing is definitely an option too and one that would be interesting to see Greg's importance has been underplayed so there could still be something going on with him and Matson have definitely grown closer so who knows appointed American CEO could be going his way I wouldn't like the pressure of writing an ending to this show as there's a lot of expectations I'm super excited but I'll definitely be gutted when it's no more so there you have it how Roman's transformation sets up the succession season 4 finale