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Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway Ending Explained: This Movie Is Based On Biography And Drama

Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway Movie Ending Explained In 2023

The story begins in Norway where an Indian family is settled, there is a husband and wife Mr. and Mrs. Chatterjee, and their two children Shubh and Lista, one day suddenly two women without information forcefully take their children from there.  Seeing this, Devika Chatterjee and her husband Anirudh Chatterjee start following Kar, where he comes to know that these two women have been sent by none other than the child welfare people of Norway. Here Devika Chatterjee spends a lot on her children.  She also requests him to return her children. From here the story jumps back 24 hours and we come to know that these two lady officers have been making rounds of their house with quiet Meena.

Because Norway's government child welfare has a lot of streaks, she wants to send them to see how Miss and Mr. Chatterjee take care of their children, but they are not capable, but the Norwegian child welfare officials give this reason to raise their children.  The colors of their parents are very different according to Norway and this is common according to an Indian mom i.e. Devika Chatterjee receives her children in such a way that is not considered right at all in the child welfare of Norway.  Devika used to feed her children with her own hands and sometimes when her son does not eat, she forcefully feeds him and she had vaccinated her children yesterday to protect them from the evil eye and this saree  The thing seemed absurd to Norway Child Welfare

But it's time these were very valuable things for an Indian mom here Devi requests those people that their children are still free and can't live without it even though her daughter Sushant is five months old and is breastfeeding But the Norwegian officers don't pay any heed to her. Now Devi's Chatterjee is very stressed because of who her children are.  Devika Chatterjee becomes very weak after seeing all this and even she secretly reaches the welfare office.  Let's engage Norway Child Welfare also gives an Indian lawyer to fight this

Now Devika is very upset due to all these things, on the other hand, her husband is afraid that the story may not cancel her citizenship, on the other hand, Devika is very lonely, so she calls her mother Baba from India to Norway so that he can give her moral support.  Here comes the day of judgment when Devika's lawyer tells all those people about the cultural difference there.  The whole thing is in the culture of India and Devika is only teaching her children the culture of India, i.e. she is shifting the culture from generation to generation, so there is nothing wrong with it, after hearing this argument, Norway agreed to her.  Devi and her husband are overjoyed to hear Jain's verdict and return her child within 24 hours. 

The next day those people go to child welfare to take their children but they come to know that the court has changed its decision, first, they will check the condition of their house means they will send a woman and see that she is there for those children.  The system is fine or not, so they are not allowed to meet. Now seeing this, Devi is very upset, while she starts slapping her hands, she requests to meet her children. Now an officer standing far away is recording her behavior because she is getting very sad and there Devika and Anirudh call their lawyer.

Sunil Kapoor tells him that he has been thrown out of it because welfare feels that he was emotionally entering into this, but it may go to the Supreme Court or the High Court, and both of them are very upset to hear this.  The next day we see Sunny in the district court where both of them get a new lawyer.  Now here the district court gives them the same decision that they should not make this claim again, now these children will remain in Norway Child Welfare, after hearing this decision, Devi is completely broken.

She meets a friend, who only tells that everything is a legal scan, she tells that the more centers they go to, the more people will get money, so all these people are doing this together. Devika Chatterjee tries to tell her husband Anirudh  But he doesn't believe in C Button at all because he is worried about his citizenship by meeting tomorrow. Seeing all this, Devi decides that she will run away from here with her children.  Where her children are now, she secretly takes her children out and reaches directly to the airport, but before taking them out here, the officers there catch her, again take away her children from Devika and put Devika in handcuffs.  All these things should be given when Devika's lawyer comes to know.

So he gets her released from there, the next day there is another court session in which Devika keeps her for a long time where after the court session starts, Devika's lawyer i.e. Mr. Daniel tells something that Devika's fever  Here he sees the Instagram pic of both the officers in which Devi is with her daughter and the caption of this photo is a mentally unfit mother.  Yes, I know very well but she answers no. Here Daniel tells his qualification that he is a Bachelor of Science. After hearing this, Devika also feels very good about giving Mr.  K has picked up his child from there which is completely wrong according to the law of Norway, here Mr. Daniel shot his witness who is a teacher and

She is teaching in a child welfare settlement in Norway. Here she tells the court that since Shubh is separated from his mother, he has become very calm and at the most, he cries all the time, and seeing this, the people there make him feel dark.  Now after joining so many sarees, it seems that how Chatterjee has become strong now but it is not so.  Seeing that she is reading on her hand, they all feel that she is a mentally unstable lady, due to which how her back becomes weak, here the judge hears her decision that now she can return to her life only after 18 years.  Distressed and stressed, Devi will be able to meet the children. The caste returns to their home. Here they see that their father-in-law i.e. Anirudh's parents and his brother have come.

Here these people are also beating her because of her, it has been indicated that Devi does not pay attention to these saree buttons and that she is with her children. Devika came to know from TV news that India's foreign minister is Vasudha.  Hearing that she has come, she goes straight to her impressive conference. Here she raises her question that the government of Norway has stolen her child. Hearing this, some of the officers there calm her down and say that the country is being talked about here.  After listening to this, Devika says that it is a matter of the country, if the government keeps a foal in India, will Norway be silent? After hearing this, Vasudha starts supporting her.  It declares that until Norway does not return its children, India will not do any organization or trade with Norway.

On the other hand, the Indians living in Naveen have also started supporting Devika, now seeing themselves being insulted, the child welfare officers find a way that they will make only a person from Devika's house a fast parent, that is, this thing is happening in Devika's house.  Till then Devi will be able to meet her children and this is done less because some officers there are doing this scan illegally because the government of Norway gives one crore to the children of hostels.  Will get 1 crore out of which 50 lakhs will be for Faster Parents and 50 lakhs will be for Child Welfare i.e. profit of both now they give greed for Faster Parents, Anirudh Chatterjee's younger brother gets trapped in the same greed and for this, we are the only ones  Here and there, he tells Devika from the officer that the children will stay with your brother-in-law, according to the post parents, but you go to India and be with them, that means tomorrow together those children will stay with you i.e. in your house.

But according to the legal rules of the government, he will live with his foster parents, after hearing this, Devi first agrees, but after understanding her husband, she is a mother to him, because she wanted only her children, so she did all the paper works.  She even signs here that Devi has left here for India and is waiting for her children. Here the news has come to know that those children are coming to India with their foster parents.  Next, she is happy when she goes to her husband's parent's house to meet her children, here she gets a big shock because her father-in-law and father-in-law do not allow her to meet her children, forcefully drive her away from there and  Some goons also sit at the door because of this Devi is forced to return to her home. She calls her husband Anirudh but he also does not receive her call.

And again knocks on the door of a code now here in India she is drowned on the first day of court and Devika's lawyer starts an argument she tells the judge that Devika has such a woman who goes from Norway to here for her children  Devika is fighting in the middle of the court station. Devika sees a person whom she is scared to see and it is none other than Mr. Daniel, a lawyer from Norway. She does not understand why she is here.  He has come here only then the judge gets an official letter and this official letter is from the Norway Government, that is, how Daniel has come to advocate for him, here Daniel starts the argument, he tells that it was because of the Treaty of Norway.  That we had returned these children and we are seeing that these children are not being brought up properly i.e. their master parents i.e. their uncles are also not taking care of them properly.

So now after hearing that Norway will take these children back to this welfare, Devi is again worried. Here Devika's lawyer talks about all these things and the argument goes ahead. Here she presents all the proof to win Devika.  Devika is a fit help, here she gives a report from a doctor in both Norway and India in which Devika is fit both mentally and emotionally but how did the Norwegian lawyer tell her mentally and emotionally unfit and got her done  Here Mr. Daniel tries his best to represent Norway, he kills Devika's husband Anirudh and he testifies in the court that Devika is mentally unfit, she is a little disturbed, so she doesn't have the power to raise children.  After Devika's Baghel questions Anirudh, she tells him that you have been living with Devika for so many years and if Devi is mentally disturbed or unfit.

So why did you marry her and despite getting married, you did such good family planning because Anirudh does not have any answer to all these questions, due to which he angrily cuts the video tomorrow, here she requests the court to see her again tomorrow.  be imposed but here she submits another report she says that my client called her many times yesterday but she doesn't pick up tomorrow so you will request the court not to waste time on her so many proofs and arguments  After hearing the judge hears the verdict that he would like to meet both the children of Devika before hearing the verdict.  It is understood that the children do not need welfare but their mother and after seeing this emotional connection, the judge gives his verdict in which Devika wins this easy caste and he takes his child and this is the main point of this movie.  story is over

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