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Gaslight Movie Ending Explained - 2023 Bollywood Horror

Gaslight Full Story Explained 

The Gaslight movie starts with a dead body submerged in water. It is the dead body of a girl, whose name is Misha, and we see a scene of her birthday celebration where her mom, grandpa, and others are present. The story then shifts to the present day, where we see Misha returning home after 15 years. Her childhood caretaker, Padam, comes to pick her up from the station. When she reaches home, she is greeted by Rukmani, Maharaja Ratan's second wife, who used to work in the palace. After her father had an affair, Misha became angry with him and left home, and now she's back after 15 years. However, she doesn't react to Rukmani's presence and always refers to her date as data. Rukmani tells her that her data is from her grandfather, who was in the Salt Form where some workers were on strike.

Due to this, they will return in three days, but Misha doesn't trust her button. She says that her grandfather called her with a letter and now he is missing. He always gets lost and uses a wheelchair. Here, Rukmani takes her to her room on a lift. She looks at her childhood drawing book in her room, which makes her happy, but there are some strange drawings, including a weird man staying at home, and she gets scared looking at the side drone. It seems like she doesn't remember anything from her childhood. After that, Rukmani shows Misha some of her data collection, including memories of her childhood sarees. One night, while she was thinking in her room, suddenly someone knocked on her door. She ignores it, but it happens two to three times. She opens the door, but no one is there. She ignores it and locks the door. Suddenly, the sound of a nose comes again, which scares her. This time, she opens the door and sees that her dead-like ribbon is leading her toward a room, which is the corridor's room. At the end of the corridor, a man is standing on the thief's spot.

 This is a story about a person who is wearing a magician's suit and holding a lamp in his hand. At first, the observer gets scared, but then she calls out to her grandfather because when she was a child, her grandfather used to perform magic tricks like this for her. Without answering her, the person moves forward with the lamp, following her belief, and ends up in a storage room where she sees a man behind a plastic curtain. When she looks back, the magician, who she thought was dead, has moved to the other side, and behind him is a dummy with a balloon on its head that suddenly pops, scaring her and causing her to fall from the CD player she was standing on. Now she opens her eyes and sees a doctor and other household members in front of her, and she always tells them that she saw her grandfather. However, nobody believes her. The next morning, she asks her servant about her grandfather, hoping that the servant might know something, but the servant tells her that Mr. Kapil Ratan knew him well because he used to work for Kapil Ratan.
Because Ratan had adopted Kapil since childhood and was nurturing him, he respects him very much. After some time, the mother of Rukmani Mishra is replaced for a shooting, where she meets her distant relative Raja Karzan, and also SP Ashok Tanwar, who does not get along with Raja at all. Therefore, people keep making fun of each other in laughter. During the shooting, Kapil Rana competes with Raja Karzan from the side of Maharaja Ratan, and it seems that Kapil is winning against Raja, which makes Raja quite angry. He fills his scat with stones, which causes bullets to be fired back and he gets hurt in his hand. Kapil keeps his hand-tied with a bandage, and Jati is always curious about the scar on his father's hand. He always says that he doesn't know anything special. One night, Jati hears the sound of Mishra playing the piano again. Mishra used to play it instead of her dead father. She only follows the sound, but when she goes to play it, she suddenly turns off the lights of the house. She gets scared and goes to see that in a room, some videos of her date are playing automatically on the projector. Here, she begins to emotionally recall her grandfather again, and her grandfather tells her to hold his hand in the video to this motion, but she...

 Suddenly, the screen of the projector tears apart and someone grabs her hand, which scares her and makes her scream. After that, everyone in the house wakes up, including the police who come and search the house, but there is no one there. The projector that was torn is now completely fine, which is why nobody believes Misha again. Rukmani takes Misha to the temple to calm her down, where they meet a woman who looks a little like a tantric. She has the power to see without eyes and she grabs Misha's hand, telling her that her father has been calling her and wants to talk to her. After hearing this, Misha becomes emotional again. She tells Kapil about it and says that she wants to meet that woman. Kapil takes her secretly to the palace so that Rukmani does not find out. There, the woman completes some rituals and connects with Misha's date. But then Rukmani arrives and Misha gets scared and changes her voice to sound like a man, telling Misha to leave as soon as possible. After seeing this, Rukmani scolds her and says that the house belongs to her. Rukmani tells Kapil that he should not trust this woman.
Waiting till midnight has been the norm, and now when it strikes 12, references to old horror movies from the '80s and '90s are given, such as Veerana, Purana Mandir, Bandh Darwaza, etc. Their iconic sounds at three or twelve o'clock, which create a lot of noise, are also played, along with the images of animals and thorns on the walls, which look very real. All these things have been presented here to create a complete horror atmosphere so that all missions can be heard with the same sound, as her grandfather calls her to come to the parking lot, which has many cars. When she reaches there, her car starts making noise, scaring her. Suddenly, the lights of the cargo are off, and all the other cars turn off as well. She heads towards the car to see her grandfather's dead body inside. She tries calling for help, but no one listens to her. The next morning, she cannot handle these things and is startled when she gets a call from her grandfather. But, the call gets disconnected due to a poor signal.

This is some recording or maybe her grandfather who is very happy, so she speaks alone here. The reason for the connection being cut off here is alcohol. Here, Rukmani tells her that now that you have talked to her grandfather, she should trust that he is fine, but Misha is still not sure. She tells Kapil to find out about Rukmani's elder brother. They both follow Rukmani and talk about it. Here we see Rukmani talking to Rana, but not in the right way. They both listen quietly, so they know there is a deal that they are talking about. Kapil and always follow Rana here. We see here that some of Rana's men turn around and leave. They tell Rana that we know everything about the deal and that we will tell the police. Rana has to say that let him stay here, he should be told to understand. Here, Rano himself tells that I have made a deal with Ratan ji that we will make the palace a hotel for which I have also taken a loan of 50 crores, but now he is missing, so who will sign it? Misha has learned that Rukmani is not pregnant and she is not Ratan Maharaja's child either. Hearing all this...
All these things cause a lot of tension, so she takes medication and goes to sleep. Over there, we see that Kapil Misha is delighted with Maharaja Rahat, which means that he is telling him some good things about his grandfather. On the other hand, we see Rana, who receives a call and prepares to leave for work when suddenly he is attacked from above. To save himself from the attack, he goes outside but the attacker still manages to kill him. It seems that this attack was not arranged by Rukmani. The next morning, Misha goes to meet Rukmani and tells her that she is going to become a mother, but she knows that the child is not Maharaja Ratan. After hearing this, Rukmani tells her to stay away from her affairs. Later, she becomes worried and tells Misha to leave as soon as possible. Then Kapil arrives and tells Rukmani that the inspector has called them because Rana has been murdered. After Sonia's death, Rukmani goes with him. Meanwhile, in Egypt, she remembers something that Rukmani said about Commander, who is Maharaja Ratan's dog, and how Misha is loyal to him. When their car arrived, he realized that Ratan had come and someone was chasing him. After hearing this, Misha holds something in her hand...
The person whose grandfather's treatment was good sends a command to the commander by email, and then the commander starts smelling to find the place where the body was hidden. The commander follows the smell to a place near a pond full of water where he finds the body, and the person calls Kapil to tell him that she thinks she has found the corpse. Kapil is shocked to hear this. Meanwhile, Misha instructs her servant Padam to search for the body. He searches twice but cannot find it, and then he finds it the third time near a place where he had been eating. He sees that the corpse has been tied up with chains and pulled down with a stone so that it would not be visible from the outside. When Misha sees someone approaching from outside, she gets scared, but then there is an attack from behind, and she faints. When she wakes up, she finds herself in a car with all the windows blacked out and the doors locked. She sees Kapil pushing her towards the door, and she realizes that he had reduced the salary of the servant with whom Rukmani had written the letter so that Misha would come here, and also hired a magician to confuse her.

Here, Kapil calls Rukmani after pushing his car into the river. Rukmani is also confused because she doesn't understand what's going on. Meanwhile, she tries to get out of the car because she needs to fill it with water. There are two people in the car: Misha and Padam, who always try to persuade her to leave her education and go out. However, until then, she remains stuck in the car. In this part of the story, we have a flashback where we see that Kapil was having an affair with Rukmani, and one day when they were making out, Raja Ratan saw them. Kapil and Raja Ratan get into a fight and Raja Ratan kills him. Meanwhile, Rukmani is quite disturbed because she has done something wrong, which is causing her to feel guilty. She is surrounded by hallucinations, which makes her quite anxious. Kabir calls her and tells her that he is in a place where the car is submerged. She goes there and finds only one loss, as Misha is not there. She gets scared when she hears a sound from her home or when she sees someone outside. To see who it is, she goes outside and sees that it's a doctor from her family. Rukmani tells him about Misha...

"I found out two weeks ago that Misha had passed away, and I came to see her myself. Now after hearing this, Rukmani doesn't understand who has always been with her at the bank. Suddenly, she sees Mishra and follows her. They see that Misha is sitting in a wheelchair and when she stands up, they are shocked because when they last saw her, she was paralyzed from the waist down and used to move around in a wheelchair. But now she always stands there and tells them that she is Nishani, aka Fatima. We see a flashback that Fatima was an orphan girl whose upbringing was done by the Poshan Raja of Palanpur, and she was brought here to the bank not by someone else but by a family doctor who told her that. She tells them that a few years ago she met Misha and learned that she was so far away from her family, and she tries to alleviate her pain, which she may do because she believes that she should talk to her grandfather. For the first time, Misha talks to her date and fixes a meeting to meet. She waits for her date, but for some reason, he doesn't show up. Despite calling him many times, he doesn't answer, which makes Misha feel like her grandfather has betrayed her again."

Upon hearing these words, Rukmani starts to feel regret. On the other hand, we see that there is an attack on the doctor, but no one did it. Kapil Misha, i.e. Fatima, also tries to do it, but she runs away to save her life. Mishra was about to hit her, but suddenly she hears a voice from an alley. It is not just any alley, but the one that Rukmani had used to stop her. She tries to make Rukmani understand not to kill her, but he does not listen, and amid the chaos, Rukmani is dragged into the alley. Seeing this, Kapil becomes angry and starts following Fatima. He reaches a park where Fatima stands with a gun in her hand. She tells him that she wouldn't have come here if she had the gun, or else she would have used the alley. Kapil tells Fatima a story about a 20-year-old boy who accidentally wears a king's clothes. The king becomes so angry that he strips the boy naked in public. The story affects Fatima, and she drops the gun from her hand. As she drops it, the trigger is pressed, and suddenly, there is a bag of fire that hits her neck, and the gun falls away from her hand. That is, Fatima used the same technique that Rana used on Kapil. He had used it on her.

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