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Marvel Replacing Kang As Main Villain Of Multiverse Saga? Avengers 5 Title Change?

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe and really just the entire MCU moving forward there has been some recent information that has come to light by a very reputable author for Vanity Fair and also the author of a new MCU book coming out and some new information has come out that stated that Kang the Conqueror was not originally Marvel Studios as plan as the big bad in the MCU originally King the Conqueror was not going to be really the focus of the Multiverse Saga and now that Jonathan majors has been arrested and is in some trouble Marvel Studios are in a bit of a pickle right now it's a very hard situation on deciding whether or not to recast Jonathan Majors but now it sounds like the option of Simply moving away from the character, in general, is on the table original

we thought hey they can just recast and continue on with Kang but apparently, Marvel Studios had a lot riding on Jonathan Majors himself so with Jonathan Majors getting into trouble recently that's really interfering with Marvel Studios' plan and this author recently came out and spoke about all of this so let's go ahead and dive into everything this new information about the MCU is coming from author and journalist Joanna Robinson she wrote the book MCU the reign of Marvel Studios and that is coming out on October 10th of this year she's also a very reputable senior writer for Vanity Fair and recently she was on the ringers the big picture podcast where she opens up on everything that she has heard about Marvel Studios and their plans for phase four Phase 5 and Phase 6

the MCU and how they were originally not centered around Kang this is what she said I was told by someone who works for Marvel it was not the plan to make Kang the center of everything until they saw the dailies from Quantumania and after his performance in Loki which was so strong they were like this is it this is our way forward we've lost our Varsity hero team but let's set up around this guy Kang and this performer that so many people are reacting to and what's interesting is that she goes on to say that she believes that Marvel has never hung so much of a franchise on one particular actor not even Iron Man she goes on to say I don't think you or I am very interested in saying what Marvel should or shouldn't do going forward but we know this is a huge problem for them

they are facing and grappling with right now and what's unprecedented this Marvel is I would argue they have never hung so much of a franchise on one actor as they tried to hang it on Jonathan Majors after his Loki performance and his Ant-Man Quantumania performance I would argue more than Downey as Iron Man more than violinist Thanos that hanging everything on this guy is then going to pop up in all of their properties leading up to something called the Kang Dynasty has put them in a very unusual position they don't usually hang so much on one person in the way that they did here and then when speaking about the big problem that they are having right now because of putting basically all of their faith into one character and now Jonathan major is getting into some trouble she said and that has put them in the bind we do not know what they're going to do

I've heard conflicting stories about their going to replace him they're not even considering replacing him etc but it's just one more thing now this is incredibly interesting for a few different reasons one is yes that is true Marvel Studios has never really put all their eggs into one basket or one actor or one performance or character and that that seems to be what they're doing now with Kang, unfortunately, the problem with doing that is if something happens like this you're kind of screwed they kind of put everything revolving around the Multiverse Saga into Jonathan Majors as Kang and now that he's in some trouble they are in a pretty big bind but it is interesting as well to know that kind of going into phase four they maybe didn't have everything that mapped out yet if they got into phase four and then into phase 5's filming where they saw Jonathan majors and Loki and then in Quantumania and decided wow this is it that means that they either didn't have a clear picture

what they wanted to do for the Multiverse Saga or they did have some sort of a picture and villain plan but they simply pushed that aside and decided to make Jonathan Majors as Kang the main big bat villain and knowing Marvel Studios they did have somewhat of a plan Kevin Feige has even said that even what you see has already been mapped out for example we already have phase five and some of phase six he says that they have planned five to six years past those movies now they can plan the movies but maybe not have all the connectivity planned out yet which seems to be kind of what they did here they had a general outline but didn't have it all kind of planned out and here's where it gets complicated but also kind of interesting

we've heard a lot about Jonathan majors and based off of what Disney has done so far removing his name and even the mention of Kang the Conqueror from pretty much all of their promos is very interesting and it does point to the fact that they are in a bind here they're in a pickle it's hard for them and they may have to recast King and there's now kind of two options here one is to Simply recast him get another actor to take his place and everything Remains the Same as far as the Multiverse Saga goes or they could kind of push his character to the side originally there was some sort of a Multiverse Saga blueprint that existed where it came the Conqueror was not the main focus and it is totally possible for Marvel Studios to kind of revert back to that we are not that deep into the Multiverse Saga yet only two movies into phase five and Guardians

the Galaxy by Volume 3 doesn't really affect any of the connected story of the Multiverse Saga anyways so we're not too far into it to bring in another villain we could still conclude a Kang story but Marvel Studios could take a different direction than having Kang be the ultimate big bad villain there are other characters out there that could play a huge role in secret Wars Dr Doom being one of them and I think that if they had to replace Kang as a villain Dr Doom would actually be kind of a perfect fit because he is big enough and loved Enough by Marvel fans that they wouldn't be too let's say pissed off that they changed the king story now I for one am hoping that they simply if they have to recast him in a perfect world Jonathan Majors stays as king

the court finds him innocent Disney decides to keep him on everything proceeds as scheduled but if they had to get rid of Jonathan Majors I think the route to go down is to Simply recast not sideline the character sadly it is a possibility they could simply kind of tie up his story sooner rather than them later and not go into Secret Wars with him the only problem there would be the Kang Dynasty the next Avengers film is literally called the King Dynasty it has Kang in the name that's gonna be a hard one to sidestep from sure Marvel Studios could come out and simply say hey you guys have heard what happened for that reason Avengers the next one is going to be about something else however that's a very hard route to go down and I don't believe Marvel Studios will do that I believe that if something happens

they'll recast King the Conqueror and then they will complete the Kang Dynasty what they do from there could be completely different Kang might not be so involved in secret Wars they could bring in somebody else to be a main villain and they could start introducing that villain in Phase 5 to build him up more than Kang so right now Marvel Studios and Disney are faced with a pretty huge Dilemma on what exactly to do with the MCU do they revert back to their old original plan before they decided to make Kang the focus of the Multiverse Saga or do they simply recast the character and hope that another actor they bring in can do just as good of a job as Jonathan Majors did obviously his performance was so great and impactful to them 

that they went wow this is who we need to Center everything around and I agree with every performance that we've seen of Jonathan Majors as he who remains or Kang has been phenomenal it's a very unfortunate situation but let's hope that Disney and Marvel Studios handle it the right way and in the meantime let us know your thoughts below on what you think Marvel Studios should actually do what would you be happy with a recast of King Jonathan Majors remaining as Kang or maybe Marvel Studios moving on to have another villain be the main villain of the Multiverse Saga

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