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Shazam Ending Explained in English - Best Summarized Shazam Movie 2023

Shazam Ending Explained in English - Best Summarized Shazam Movie 2023

The film begins with a car driving through a scene from the past. Sivana is in the car with his brother and father. He is a young baby. Sivana had a magic ball and he was playing with it. Following that, Â his brother steals the magical ball from him. He makes a noise and asks his father to stop him. His father gets angry with him and says to him don't be weak.
Don't cry over everything. Then a symbol shows on that magic ball. This boy reaches the rock of eternity. He meets the Wizard in the rock of eternity. The Shazam shows him the seven deadly sins. He tells him that he was waiting for a man who has a pure heart. So that he can give powers to him like him. But before this, I will take your test. Sivana's heart wasn't pure. Those deadly sins attract him. And the Shazam sends him back in the car. Sivana shouts that I want those powers I am capable of them. Hearing it, his father gets worried. Being worried he gets into an accident. Sivana's father was badly injured in this accident his one leg was broken. Sivana's brother blames him for all this. After it, further time is shown in the movie.

Now a 14-year-old child in Philadelphia is shown in the movie named Billy. Billy departed from his mother in his childhood After it, he was adopted by many families. After departing from his mother the police hand him over to the social service worker. Many families adopt Billy but he wasn't happy with anyone. Because he was searching for his mother always. That's why it is shown in this scene, that he runs while escaping from the police. He takes the detail of a lady present in their car and then reaches her home. There he comes to know that she is not his mother. Billy was again sent to the social worker. This time the family who adopts him they have 5 more children. They were orphans. They love him but he always stays away from them. He doesn't call it his family.

After it, Sivana is shown. He is now an adult and was doing his research. He was studying the people whom he found yet. After it, he sees a video of a girl, in which that girl was sharing her experience. Meanwhile, some symbol shows in an alarm clock. Sivana understands their sequence and he makes some symbols at the door. He says to the doctor nearby that I was searching for these symbols for a long time. Today finally, I got these symbols. The doctor ignores him and she says that I don't believe in all this. After it, she puts her hand at the door, and there she turns into ashes. Then Sivana goes to the Rock of Eternity. Going there he wants to release the seven deadly sins. To get their powers.

But the Shazam forbids him from doing any of this. He tells him that they all want to take advantage of him. But Sivana doesn't listen to him and he takes out the hyoscine. As hyoscine goes in his eyes all the devil's powers were released. He gets the powers. The Shazam tries to fight with him but he was aged he couldn't do anything. Sivana returns with those powers. Now Billy's character is again shown in the movie. He was separated from his mother for so long. He is now living with his 5 adopted siblings. But he doesn't consider them his family. His brother Freddy asks him in the school have you stolen my superman bullet? Billy says no I haven't stolen. Some boys tease Freddy. Billy comes and saves Freddy from those boys and lifts a train while running. Some symbols show in the indicator of this train. Billy reaches the Rock of Eternity.

The Shazam comes in front of him and tells him that we have selected him because of his pure heart. I made mistake while selecting the champion before. He used the powers wrongly. He releases the seven deadly sins. Because of it, many innocent people lost their life. I have stopped him with my siblings. But in all this, I've lost my siblings. Since then, this place is empty and was searching for its champions. The Shazam holds Billy a magical stick and asks him to say ''Shazam''. Saying this, he becomes an adult superhero and gets superpowers. Billy gets surprised by all this. The Shazam disappeared from there and Billy returns home. Everyone was worried at home about Billy. Billy calls Freddy from the window of the kitchen. Freddy couldn't recognize him because that 14 years old Billy was now an adult. To make him believe Billy shows him his superman bullet.

Now Billy checks his powers with Freddy. He comes to know that he has electric power then he helps a girl from which he comes to know that he has super speed and strength. The girl gives them some money and they go to a store. Some boys come there for robbery. There Billy comes to know that he has bullet immunity. As those boys fire at Billy with the gun but it doesn't affect Billy. The bullet fell. Their younger sister sees them when they return home. Billy was in an adult getup meanwhile, while talking he says ''Shazam''. After saying Shazam, he again turns into a 14 years boy. Like this, their younger sister also knows the secret that Billy has powers. In the next scene, it is shown that Sivana goes to his brother and father's office. Going there, he creates a mess because he has 7 deadly sins. He pushes his brother down from the building and also kills his father. He also kills the others. Then he shouts that I am the most powerful. Meanwhile, among those seven deadly sins, one says that no you are not the most powerful. At this time, Shazam is the most powerful.
Before he knows his powers and knows how to use them, kills him. Here Shazam's brother makes videos of his powers. He uploads them on the internet and they go viral on the internet. And everyone comes to know about Shazam. Those vulgar boys again tease Billy's brother. He warns them that the viral superhero is my friend. He will come to meet me tomorrow so you shouldn't tease me. Then they both fight and they start arguments. Billy asks Freddy if it was decided among us that we will not tell this anyone. Because of it, our family members are also in danger. The next day, Mary was about to get into an accident but Shazam saves her. Shazam asks her why are you so worried? Marry is one of Shazam's adopted siblings. She tells him that I have got admission to my dream college. But I don't want to leave my family. By mistake, Shazam says her name and asks her if these adopted people are her family. The next day, those boys again annoy Shazam's brother.

He comes to Shazam while running and was worried. Shazam was taking selfies with some people. He shows them electric waves that were emitting from his hands. Due to it, a tire of a bus was burned. The bus was about to fall from a bridge. But Shazam holds it and saves them all. On it, all the media come there and coverages it. After seeing the news, Sivana also reaches there and asks Shazam to transfer his powers to him. He attacks him and they fight. During the fight, Shazam also comes to know that he can fly also. He is not aware of his powers. After it, Shazam transfers into a 14-year-old boy which means Billy. He runs from there. Sivana sees in the news that Shazam and a boy Freddy who was Shazam's brother were arguing. Sivana comes to know that they have some kind of relationship.

Here Shazam's family also sees that they are arguing. Mary also remembers when Shazam saves her from an accident. He knew everything about her. They get suspicious and they say that maybe Billy is Shazam. Meanwhile, their younger sister who knows everything says yes, being happy. Now they all go to Billy's room and tell him that their mother is found. You couldn't search for her because she was using her old surname. Billy instantly goes to his mother, and as he reaches there his mother comes out. He becomes happy and tells her that I am your son who was separated from you many years ago. Billy's mother doesn't give any expressions. She tells him that his father had also left you many years before, and I didn't bring him up alone. When you were separated from me, I have seen you with the police. But I didn't come to take you because I feel that someone else can care for you better than I do. I have left you there.

Now I live with someone else. Billy gets worried and returns home, now he understands that his foster family is his family. Then he receives Freddy's call and he also hears Sivana's voice in it. He understands that his siblings are in danger right now. He transfers into Shazam and moves to help them. Sivana asks Shazam to transfer him with him. Shazam again makes him understand that it is useless they are using him. But he ignores him. Shazam's siblings attacked Sivana, and there was a cut on his head. But he has so many powers, the cut again heals. Shazam attacks Sivana and they run from there. Shazam's siblings ask him when he came here and, how he returned. He tells them that I just imagined the train and I returned. This time they imagine a stick club and they reach there. Sivana also comes there while following them.

Now Sivana shouts and says that Shazam comes out, Otherwise, I will kill those innocent people. To save his family and those innocent people Billy again converts into Shazam. Once the Wizard told Shazam that when he will think according to his heart his power will increase. That's why it is shown in this scene, that Shazam is most powerful than Sivana. Those seven deadly sins hold the siblings of Shazam. Sivana forces him to transfer his powers otherwise, he will kill them. Shazam agrees to all this and the sins go inside Sivana. Now Shazam remembers one thing. The Wizard told him that the seats are empty and waiting for champions. Shazam snatches the magical stick and gives it to his siblings

he asks them all to say ''Shazam'' after holding it. They do the same. They all get superpowers. Now Shazam breaks the magical stick because his siblings have the powers. He takes out hyoscine from Sivana's eyes. He again becomes a normal human. With him, his siblings also remove those deadly sins. They go back to the Rock of Eternity and again put hyoscine. They all are the new champions. In the next scene, it is shown that they thank God for this beautiful family. In the end, it is shown that Sivana is making some symbols in jail. An insect comes there named Mister Mind. It tells him that there is a way to release those deadly sins and get powers from them.

For it, you have to join me. Shazam tells everyone that Freddy is his best friend. At the last of the movie, there is a surprise entry of our hero ''Superman.

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